The Frizbo Fifty Bicycle Blog

The goal is to bicycle in every one of the 50 states of the United States of America.  The rules are one must bike at least 10 miles in each state and the total number of miles must be at least 5,000 miles.  

Map of rides color-coded by year

  • Completed 49 out 50 states (plus D.C.) and 4,830 miles so far!  
  • Only Hawaii left to go.  With one state left, I realized I don't want this to ever end, therefore I've lengthened the total distance to 5,000 miles (from 2,800).  Maybe I'll add the Canadian provinces too.
  • I'm a little behind on blogging all the rides.
Blog Highlights:
Top Five Rides:
  • Repeating a bike route does not count towards the 5,000 mile total and there is no maximum limit to the number of miles logged in a one state.
  • The blog entry's date notes the date of the bike ride, not the date it was published.
  • The template of each blog entry is a bike ride plus a personal essay.  Admittedly, the transitions between the biking and personal essay are sometimes awkward.
  • I also recognize my use of tense is inconsistent -- sometimes the blog entry uses present tense, sometimes past. Perhaps I'll rewrite the blogs to be consistent, but not today.
  • Blog entries are noted as "First Draft" are placeholders that I intend to update/embellish at a later date.
  • The best entries are tagged as highlights and the better entries are tagged as interesting.

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