Thursday, August 14, 2014

Nebraska, Ponca State Park

Yellowstone Road Trip -- Day 7:  One more stop, I turn south off the interstate to the country roads and a small state park in Nebraska.  Ponca State Park, just outside of Sioux City is a hidden gem overlooking the Missouri River.

Missouri River
Even with a $5 entrance fee, Ponca State Park is worth a visit.  The park sits atop towering bluffs with the park roads winding from the bluff top to the river's edge.

Restored riparian wetlands
The Army Corp of Engineers has reversed the years of flood control here.  They removed the wing dams to allow the river to return to its natural state of sand bars and meandering backwater channels. 

Following the jeep trails, I wandered through the wetlands spooking an enormous Bald Eagle and many delightful swarms of butterflies.

The park roads feature some fun climbs and descents

The perfect spot for lunch!
Finished with the last ride of the road trip, I loaded the bike and went looking for a large cup of coffee.  Next stop, home -- only 8 hours away.

Route:Park loop road and jeep trails
Distance:10 miles

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