Monday, March 28, 2016

Alabama / Mississippi, Natchez Trace Parkway

Spring Break Road Trip -- Day 2

The Natchez Trace Parkway, a 444-mile scenic road, follows the route of ancient game migrations and the Native Americans that hunted them.  Later the trace was used by early traders returning north after selling their goods and flatboats in New Orleans.   Bypassed by steamboats and railroads, the route lay dormant until developed as a National Parkway by the CCC in the 1930s. 

Tishomingo State Park

We start our ride in Tishomingo State Park which conveniently abuts the the parkway.  The park ranger suggested we park next to the ramp that leads to the Trace, but we parked at the far end of the state park so we could enjoy the  state park's roads too.

From Tishomingo, we head north to Alabama.  The sky is clear, the sun warm with a light breeze -- nice! 

Lauren (way ahead) riding the De Rosa on the Trace
This winter, Lauren bought a used triathlon bike at the local bike swap.  A stunningly beautiful conveyance, it was love at first sight.  Based on the frame size and the assurances of the seller, we thought the bike would fit.  Only later did Lauren realize the seat and aerobars could not be adjusted to fit her.  After several attempts, a second bike shop and some additional hardware Lauren finally has a BIKE TO RIDE!  And ride she did, leaving Mom and me in the dust.

Two states, Mississippi and Alabama, in one day

Napping after lunch at Freedom Hill Lookout


State park's rustic cabins
Route: Tishomingo to Freedom Hill Lookout

I managed to book one of Tishomingo State Park's very popular rustic cabins at which I envisioned a nice cookout and campfire after our ride.  But when the girls saw the nice beach forecast for the next day, they had other ideas.  So after a quick dinner, we were back in the car driving south into the Mississippi night.

State:Alabama, Mississippi
Route:Natchez Trace Parkway: Tishomingo State Park, Pavilion #1 to Freedom Hill Lookout
Distance:31 miles

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