Saturday, October 19, 2019

Vermont, West River Trail

New England Trip, Day 4

After a nice stay at the "retro" Snowdon Snow Chalet, we rode right from the hotel parking lot. 

Retro or just old?

Snowdon Snow Chalet, Londonderry, VT

Potty jokes
Google Maps showed a bike route on Rest Haven Road, but it turned into a two-lane mud path.  Mona loved it -- not.

Rest Haven Road or pre-revolutionary cow path

Once on the West River Trail itself, the biking was really nice and again great weather.

Patrons of the trail provide binoculars cabled to this nifty protective box

At start of the Ball Mountain Reservoir, the path narrows and climbs into the hill, so we parked our bikes and hiked to a nice lunch spot.

The perfect spot for lunch

Paved route back to the hotel

On the return, we rode back on the road instead on the muddy path.

Route on West River Trail

Next stop, Horse & Hound Inn, Franconia, NH
Route:West River Trail, Snowdon Chalet Motel to Ball Mountain Reservoir
Distance:20 miles

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