Sunday, May 8, 2011

Ohio, Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Spring! Waiting for the lake ice to break, the tulips to bloom, and the bike trails to dry.  Monitoring the national forecast maps for weeks, I hoped for a few days of dry weather somewhere in the Midwest so I could continue the Frizbo Fifty.  My original plan, a loop through Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma, went from unlikely to hopeless as first tornadoes and then the Mississippi floods pummeled the southern states (donate).  Finally in early May, a break in the continuous rainfall, clear skies and warm weather in Ohio and Pennsylvania.  I proposed the trip to my wife and started packing the van for an early morning departure.

After 7 hours in the car I was ready to stretch my legs.  First stop, just outside Cleveland, was Cuyahoga Valley National Park.  As it was Mother's Day, the parking lot was full of parents trailed by their offspring much like imprinted goslings.  I swung on to the Towpath Trail and headed north.  

Ohio & Erie Towpath Trail

A flat limestone trail, interspersed with boardwalks and bridges, the bike path travels 20 miles along the Cuyahoga River, through wetlands and surrounded by bluffs.  Other trails connect to take you north to Cleveland and south as far as Akron.  There is even a scenic railroad that will shuttle you one way for $2.

Bridal Veil Falls

Distracted by all the connecting paths, I broke off the towpath and headed up Tinkers Creek Gorge following a bridal path and then a blacktop trail maintained by the Bedford Park District.  Having climbed to the top of the valley bluffs, I then enjoyed an exhilarating flight (route) back down to the towpath and the car. Next stop, Pennsylvania's Allegheny National Forest.

I-80 Bridge
-- Frizbo 

State: Ohio
Date: 2011-05-08
Route: Cuyahoga River National Park, OH
Distance: 32 miles

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