Friday, November 2, 2012

California, Sonoma Wine Country

After our son left home to seek his fortune in the Silicon Valley we missed him.  So we used the opportunity of his first half-marathon to visit him at his hacker house in Palo Alto.  The race was a lot of fun and we met all of his house mates who turned out to support him at the race.

And of course, I used the opportunity to get in a bike ride.  Mona and I rented a Zip car parked across the street from our San Francisco hotel and drove north to Sonoma, CA. 

Golden Gate Bridge

Shops of Sonoma, CA
The bike tour left from downtown Sonoma which has is nice destination itself with interesting shops and a town square.  The biking was easy wandering the back roads of Sonoma.  On the way we visited several vineyards stopping for wine tasting.  It's a little weird to be sipping a Cabernet at 10 am in the morning and it will go straight to your head.  But a brisk pedal stroke will clear your head in time for the next vineyard.
Hydrating or cleansing our palates?

Founded by an SIU graduate

The Homewood Winery was founded by a SIU graduate.  They had a special offer for a blended red named after his college intramural basketball team, "The Flying Wizzbangers."  We bought a case.
I'll take a case of Flying Wizzbanger, thanks.

Wine! Biking! Whee!

The perfect spot for lunch!

When our tour guide informed us we were ahead of schedule, I conferred with the other riders.  "Since we have extra time, let's add this loop on Lovall Valley Road."  The guide later referred to her "trip getting hijacked," but she was a good sport.  Lovall Valley Road was the nicest riding of the day.

Extra loop around the Lovall Valley

While its nice to be led by a guide, you can easily tour these wineries on your own.

On the way back to the city, we stopped to admire the huge coastal Redwoods.

John Muir Woods

Route:Sonoma Winery Loop plus side trip to the Lovall Valley
Distance:20 miles

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