Thursday, October 31, 2013

Virginia, New River Trail

Great Smoky Mountains Road Trip -- Day 5:  After a quick morning ride in South Carolina, I am at Foster Falls access point on the New River Trail, Virginia.

Foster Falls and Park HQ

New River Trail is a 57-mile linear park that follows an abandoned railroad right-of-way. The park parallels the scenic New River for most of the way.  It features two tunnels, three major bridges.

Nicely graded crushed gravel
This is fantastic trail and I can't believe I only am riding for a few hours.

One of the trail's two tunnels

The New River

Byllesby Dam

The perfect spot for lunch

White-tailed deer!

200 year-old shot tower

The Family Truckster

Trail Map

My route
Next stop, West Virginia.

Route:New River Trail
Distance:27 miles, Foster Falls to Byllesby Dam

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